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Saturday, November 13, 2010

2nd Bootcamp over..

That's right I have made it through 2 bootcamps. Bootcamps are 3 weeks of workouts and 1 week off to recover. So in 6 weeks and 1 recovery week I have lost a total of 15.4 lbs and a total of 10.5" s gone.

The first week of bootcamp i lost 4 lbs but over the next 2 weeks i only managed to lose another .8 lbs. BUT you know what that is weight loss for me and i am happy with that. PLUS i lost 5.75 inches and that is worth not losing a whole lot.

Tonight we did Warrior voices about 25 or 30 times. I was pretty loud and know I can tell, my throat is sore and I almost have NO VOICE. Let me tell you this was so much fun. You know like when you drive down the road and people cut you off and you just yell so loud in your car that those people could probably hear you. Well doing this tonight allowed for alot of aggression released.


OK now i feel better, LOL. Let me tell you that Kyle loves Jumping jacks. I think i did more jumping jacks this session that i have ever in my life as a kid doing those for fun. And they definitely aren't fun now. Especially being over weight. But lets see tonight we did, 40, 60, 80 (2 times each) plus warm ups.... So we are looking at possibly over 400 jumping jacks. WOW 400 Jumping Jacks, that is totally crazy. Oh i got something else. The last bootcamp and this one Ive been using 10 lb weights to lift with and i normally use 2 so I'm lifting 20lbs. Well Wednesday night Jessica told me to go to a heavier weight. I think i posted about this in my last post. Well today i continued to use the larger weight. I am now using 2 2o lbs kettle bells But i did get a little braver today. I asked Kyle how much the Barbell was and he told me 45 lbs and said i could do it. Well my last time around I used it and I GOT IT. Nothing like progressing to heavier weights, being encouraged and then feeling great to know that I accomplished it.

I'm not sure if i mentioned this but I sold my car and got a cheaper one and paid cash with it. Well I was planning on taking that extra money and putting it toward a Hunting Bow so i could spend more time with my husband. Then I kept seeing all these people on FB commenting about MaxFit Bootcamps. So i thought really hard about this. I could purchase something that would allow for more time & me and Josh to share a hobby with each other OR i could take this money and put it to some good use and try to lose some weight, which in the end would not only make me look and feel better about my self but it was something that would benefit this whole family. THATS right. Benefit me with a healthier life, Josh with a wife who's confident has come back & Lucas for having a mommy that can chase him around everywhere and not get worn out easily. This was the best choice that i could have ever made for my self. I never use to workout. Never stepped foot in a gym (besides high school and 9th grade gym i got a "D" cause i didn't want to dress out, sad huh now that i think about it) And now I love it. I know Kyle tells us that he does not want us to enjoy/have fun at bootcamp. But to me I am loving this, its something new and has touched my heart and life so much. That sometimes Thanks to Kyle and Jessica cant begin to say what i really mean. They have changed my life.

OK here are my measurements....

Weight 178.8 lbs
Shoulder 45"
Neck 13.75"
Chest 45.25"
Arm 13"
Forearm 10"
Waist 41"
Hips 46.5"
Thighs 21"
BMI: 34.9

Total inches lost 10.5" that's in 7 weeks

This upcoming week is our off week, Think i may do some yoga, but i will post back and tell you how my diet has gone. Thanks

Friday, November 12, 2010

Feeling good...

Wednesday was bootcamp and again we did warmups where we had to get a partner and face each other once more. This time we did mountain climbers and that is hard to do alone yet look upwards to someone in the face. I made it threw it though. and the rest of the workout went great.

I worked out for 33 mins and burned 640 calories.

Today is Friday and this is our last bootcamp for this phase and next week is our rest week. So i go in tonight early to get weighed and measured. I dont think i did that great on my weight this time, i think i only lost about 5 lbs, but i know 5 lbs is 5 lbs gone. I do feel that i did good on inches lost. I will probably blog again tonight after everyones asleep here and tell you how this weighin and workout will go.

Thanks for following me on this journey, I know its going to be a slow one, but slow is better. talk to you all later, bye.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

19 Months and 1 day

Yesterday Lucas turned 19 months, Sunday i told someone that he was turning 20 months.... Time is going crazy here im trying to make him another month older. Over this past month he got to go trick or treating (not house to house, just family) He was my little pumpkin.

He didnt like carving the pumpkin. Actually i really dont knwo what he thought of it, he did give some weird looks though. His pumpkin had Lightening McQueen on it.

He got to go to Bass Pro Shop and ride a toy 4 wheeler (which daddy liked) and so did he.

He is growing up so fast. I will be back with more. Im on a blogging kick. I have another blog about my weight loss journey ( I didnt want to take away from Lucas) So i will keep up with both now.

OH come be a Follower of both my blogs Please. Bye.


This is how i describe Bootcamp last night. Kyle had us partner up and do jumping jacks and face each other & look at each others face, which was hard and funny. Then he made us stop and said if we all noticed when one person stops so does someone else, we dont not need to follow those people (which i am one, im still packin on some weight here, its hard to do jumping jacks for a long length of time) Next he wanted one of us to go fast & yell and tell the other one to keep up. WELL i am not the leader, i cant go fast and i do stop, I know its bad but it happens.

Then we proceeded to our workout. After 42 mins I burned 789 Calories and i was whooped. Tomorrow (Wed) we workout and then Friday is the big day, we weigh in and get measured. Kinda/not so looking forward to this. Kinda because i want to see how many inches i lost this time and Not so because i dont think i did to good on my weight loss. Last week i had some trouble. But we will see.

Oh one thing that stood out that im proud of is while we were doing Overhead Presses, Jessica came over to me and was watching me and told me next time i needed to up my weight. I was using 10 lb dumbbells (object is to get to 20) i was reaching about 18/19. So my next time around I was heading to a Kettlebell but another girl grabbed the only 15 lb kettlebells........... SO that left me with 20 lbs. OH MY, So i start lifting, my arms were shaking and it was hard to get them up there. Kyle came over to incourage and help me. Counting with me as i go and telling me to keep trying i can do it. I am proud to say that I got 13 reps. THANKS Kyle.

I cannot do a real push up for anything. I have NO arm strength. So Kyle told me to practice for 5 mins at home. Josh has been helping me. Every time i would come up he would yell WRONG, i say Im trying Im trying, lol Needless to say its slowly coming along. Josh says i tend to hike up butt up in the air & he wants to stand over me with his foot on my butt keeping it down. Every time he says that i lose concentration and start laughing and then i cant push my self up. I will get this down.

Well im out be back after tomorrows workout and tell you how that has went.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Journey has Begun

OK bloggers here we go. About 6 weeks ago I started a fitness program in my town. The place is called Maximum Fitness and he offers a program called Bootcamp. So anytime I blog about Bootcamp this is the place.

At first I though omg what am I getting my self into. I was kinda scared cause when I hear bootcamp I think yelling and military style workouts. Well I went for my orientation, I got weighed and measured. Then Kyle (the owner of Maximum Fitness) comes in and tells us about the program. He goes over food and what he expects from us. Then he wants us to try out a few workouts. NOW I am a stay at home mom of a now 20 month old little boy. We normally stay inside and chill in the house. The most exercise that I get is chasing his cute little butt around the house. OK back to the workouts. He wants us to hold a squat for a min. ONE MINUTE OMG I dont think I could old one for 10 seconds. But I DID and boy did my legs shake. I thought ok that really wasn't that bad. He shows us a few more things then we head to the local grocery store where he shows us where all the healthy food he wants us to eat is And then everyone heads home.

I feel great the rest of that saturday untill SUNDAY. And let me just say OUCH. Thats right I was so sore all day Sunday and Monday morning. My new best friend at this point was IcyHot. I think I went through a whole tub rubbing it on my legs for they were sore.

Ok I cant believe Im going to post this but here is my weight & measurements.

Weight 194.2 lbs
Shoulder 47"
Neck 14.5"
Chest 46.25"
Arm 14.25"
Forearm 10.25"
Waist 42"
Hips 50"
Thighs 21.75"
BMI: 37.9

I did get weighed and measured again

Weight 183.6 lbs
Shoulder 46"
Neck 14"
Chest 45.75"
Arm 13.75"
Forearm 10.25"
Waist 41.75"
Hips 48.5"
Thighs 21.25"
BMI: 35.8

Total inches lost 4.75"

I am super excited about this weight loss and inches lost. I was wearing size 20 jeans and now I can wear size 16's.

My workouts are on Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays. I hope you will continue to read my story and share this journey of me getting my body back. I can't wait to write more.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

2 weeks..

Over the past two week we've been busy around the Rothman house. On Oct 8 me and Lucas attended the Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure Breast Cancer Walk. he fell asleep once we got walking. I on the other hand had a great walk. Normally in the past years of walking this i would always get tired, my legs would always get sore, but after starting my new fitness plan, i was feeling awsome. writters block.... will write more

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Training for the Potty...

So today is day 2 of official Potty training. We are trying to go every 30 mins to an hour. It seems to be working so far. We have toys & books in the bathroom. I have to keep his attention some how. If not he is over trying to turn the water on in the tub and get in. Ive never seen someone who wants to spend that much time in the tub, LOL. Below are some of the pictures from today. In his pullup, drinking juice/water, & playing and sitting on his potty.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fun Day at the Park

Today Lucas had a fun day at the park. His friend Jesse and his mom Kristen got to join us. The ran around, climbed, wanted to slide, play in the mulch and run after the other kids. Here are some pics from today. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bringing Up Boys

So for the past 2 weeks I have had a struggle with Lucas. When you look at him and ask him if he needs his diaper changed (right after i know he goes #2) he will shake his head no. If i move toward him and ask him again, he will start to cry and go hid behind something. Once i pick him up and start that walk down the hall to his room & once he is on the changing table he kicks, hits and screams and tries to roll off. So needless to say diaper changing time is not fun. I would almost say he has reached the terrible 2's but hes only 17 1/2 months old

Saturday, September 11, 2010

17 Months

This is a short post but i will get some pictures up soon. Lucas is growing up so fast on us. Did we grow this fast for our parents? Lucas's favorite movie is Cars, we watch it atleast once a day, sometimes 2. He loves to play with all kinds of cars and trucks and say varoom varoom. I love it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wonderful months.

What a wonderful past month. Lucas is in full walking mode now. Over the past month we've had daddys birthday party, fun around the house, a trip to bass pro shop to see the fish, a Pugh family reunion (my dads side), fourth of July & a play date with my cousins little boy Austin.
Here are the pictures to prove all the fun.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy 14 months Lucas

The past month has been crazy. Lucas has had an ear infection in his right ear, a cough from all the junk draining in his throat and to top that off i find out that he cut a molar while he was sick. We spent some time outside while daddy and chris built us a building out at moms to store some things and do some remodeling to the house so we can move into it. We've learned that Lucas doesnt like the grass very much and that if you set him down in it he will fuss and walk cause he dont wanna touch the grass. Its so cute though. Here are some pics to leave you with.

Mommy was acting very silly

I love my chair
Daddy & I crashed out.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Time Flies

I cant believe its been six months since ive posted a blog. Lucas is growing like crazy. He is now 1 yr old. Lots have gone on, Lucas is now standing, almost walking, climbing on everything he can (tables, chairs, ME). Lucas now weighs 21lbs 7 oz & i s 30" tall. If you tell him NO he laughs at you which is hard to get him not to do stuff. He understands no, just doesnt want to listen. Of course he is only 1, lol. Here are some pictures of the past 6 months.
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Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket These are from Lucas's 1st Birthday Party, John Deere Theme Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket