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Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh i ForGot

at my last bootcamp that ended on Dec 22 i did weigh and measure,
here are my stats.


Weight 171.8 lbs
Shoulder 45"
Neck 13.5"
Chest 44"
Arm 12"
Forearm 9.75"
Waist 41"
Hips 45.75"
Thighs 21"

BMI: 33.5

So thats a total of 14" gone and 22.4 lbs gone as of 12/22/2010

NEW measurments will be added tomorrow.

So Sorry,

wow i cant believe i havent posted in a while. I am so sorry, life got really crazy, my grandmother fell, hurt herself, went to the hospital, found out she had a mild heart attack, she stayed in the hospital & just got worse. For about 8 days she was in the hopital, right around their anniversary and thanksgiving. she came home and passed away a few days later. the next couple weeks were still busy and then christmas came along.

Now Christmas was not good this year (FOOD WISE), the week after christmas and new years, i did not have Bootcamp. I ATE BAD and well over the past 3 weeks (MY LAST BOOTCAMP) i have still eatten bad.

I do weigh tomorrow, i dont think ive lost anything but we will see. I am still not giving up and getting back on the saddle. I HAVE TO..... Josh and I are doing a wellness program with his work. we both had to get physicals and get some blood work done. After getting our results this week, We know for sure we have to change the way we eat and not tell everyone or say we are going on a diet, we need to make some life changing eating patterns.

I have to raise my Good Cholesterol & Josh has to work on his too & start exercising..... Yeahhhhhhhh, finally he has to exercise with me, lol. And i need to get Lucas to eat more veggies, really bad cause i cant hardly get him to eat any.

I may be stopping my Bootcamps, but i still plan on working out at a local gym. Plan on hearing more about my days. Tonight i made homemade whole wheat pizza dough & added BBQ chicken, tomatoes and cheese to it and we had a nice Salad. Not the best healthy meal, but i did manage to make it healthy. Its a start for Josh, I can quit him cold turky on some foods, so it will be shortly.

We have both set new healthy weight Goals & will keep all posted.

Thanks & gnite.