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Monday, December 1, 2008


Sorry everyone for not keeping you all updated like i should. I know i am a lousy blogger. Well on Oct 31, 2008 We went in to have our mid ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. And its a BOY............... He is doing great and growing really well. Im right on schedule.






On Oct 31, Lucas Hill Rothman was 18 weeks and 2 days old and weighed 8 oz and was 7.08 inches long.

Today i am 22 weeks and 6 days along. and have only 17 weeks and 1 day (or 120 days) until Lucas is born. Now thats crazy, when you think about it. My next dr's appointment is on Dec 23, and just to think that the week after that I will be in my 27th week and that will be the beginning of my Third Trimester. Its all just happening so fast.

But we have set a date for my baby shower, it will be on Saturday January 31, 2009.

Well its getting late (2:23 am) i think i need to get to bed, got lots to do tomorrow. Until next time. Bye everyone.