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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

i need to keep up with this thing more often, Lucas is now 3 days away from being 7 months old, hes growing so much. He loves sitting up on his own with no help, once hes on his tummy he just kicks and wont crawl. And when you hold him all he wants to do is stand up and jump on you.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My 4 Month Check-up

Sorry it has been almost 2 months since i have posted anything. Lucas is doing great and growing bigger and stonger every day. He now weighs 16 lbs 5oz & is 24.75 inches long. We did go to the dr today and Lucas also got soem shots, so hes not feeling to well tonight. I hope he is back to his happy self tomorrow. Here are a few pictures from the past few months.
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My 2 month check-up

Well yesterday June 8th was my 2 month check-up. Doctor says im doing fine and that I am now 11 lbs 7 ozs and 23 3/8 inch long. Im growing so much. Mommy will post pictures tomorrow of my busy weekend and some more.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My 1 month

Well Lucas went to his 1 month check up and weighed 9 lbs 4.6 oz and went up to 21 in long. Hes doing great. For his 1 month I set up a photoshot here in the house. I made albums for Mothers day ( my mom & joshs mom) they loved the albums. My mom had bought Lucas a easter outfit and since we were still in the hospital he didnt get to wear it, but I dressed him up and got some pics for this album. Here are his Easter pictures and his 1 month photos.

















The New Addition for the Rothman Family

Hi everyone. Im starting this up so you all can keep intouch with us and see Lucas grow from day to day. Lucas Hill Rothman was born on April 8, 2009 Weighing in at 8 lbs and 9 oz and 21 in long. While in the hospital we had a scare, Lucas developed an infection and was admitted to the NICU and was in there for 2 days. They had him on an antibiotic and the infection cleared up and we where able to take him home. Here are some pics of Lucas.
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