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Monday, December 1, 2008


Sorry everyone for not keeping you all updated like i should. I know i am a lousy blogger. Well on Oct 31, 2008 We went in to have our mid ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. And its a BOY............... He is doing great and growing really well. Im right on schedule.






On Oct 31, Lucas Hill Rothman was 18 weeks and 2 days old and weighed 8 oz and was 7.08 inches long.

Today i am 22 weeks and 6 days along. and have only 17 weeks and 1 day (or 120 days) until Lucas is born. Now thats crazy, when you think about it. My next dr's appointment is on Dec 23, and just to think that the week after that I will be in my 27th week and that will be the beginning of my Third Trimester. Its all just happening so fast.

But we have set a date for my baby shower, it will be on Saturday January 31, 2009.

Well its getting late (2:23 am) i think i need to get to bed, got lots to do tomorrow. Until next time. Bye everyone.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Sorry its been a while since i posted anything. I thought i better update and let everyone know whats going on.

Im feeling great. the sickness seems to be gone (i hope) im starting to get some back pains and some discomfort in my lower stomach. but this is from all my stuff being pushed around on the insides.

Im on a count down to see if we are having a boy or a girl. Oct 31 is the day.
that is 24 days from today.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today i went to the doctor and did all my blood work and all that fun stuff that go along with having a baby. My doctor tried to hear the heartbeat through the Doppler and she couldnt so she sent me to have an ultrasound. and i got to see ONE baby and the heart beat which was around 176 very normal. And the most exciting part was i got pictures..............

Here they are enjoy..........



Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Ok while reading some things on AOL FOOD i found some interesting stuff. So i thought it would be kool to post if you all of you to read......


We were so inspired by the peanut butter carpet cleaning tip* and the bonanza of baking soda uses, that we went digging through our kitchens to seek out other tasty multi-taskers. Read on to find out how milk and vinegar nix stains, butter can save your precious baubles, and corn starch gets you and your kids out of knotty problems.

* The Peanut Butter Tip: To get gum out of a carpet, scrape up what you can, using an ice cub to stiffen it if necessary. Then rub a small glob of peanut butter into the fibers, and wipe up the whole mess with a cloth. To get rid of any left-behind PB, just dab it up with a mixture of 1 tsp of dishwashing liquid in 1 cup of lukewarm water. (Thanks to DIY Life for the tip!)


Everyone knows Clorox's catchy ditty about keeping clothes bright, but all you need is pepper. Add a teaspoon of pepper to the wash before you add in your clothes and it will keep the colors from fading.


Deodorant stains can ruin a perfectly good shirt. Save your whites by spraying white vinegar (no need to mix with water) onto the underarm areas. Then you can wash per usual


At your next BBQ don't spend money on anti-pest candles that never work. Simmer 2 cups of milk, a 1/4 pound of sugar and 2 oz. of ground black pepper for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour the mixture into bowls and put them where the flies will be attracted to them and then drown. You can also place around the house. No more buzzzzzing at the windows.


Next time your drain is clogged and you don't have time to run to the store for some Drain-O just look in your fridge! A 2-liter bottle of soda will do the trick. Just pour it down to clobber the clog.


For a natural solution to diaper rash, try coating the area with a thin layer of shortening. It will act as a moisturizer


Grease stains can be a huge pain when it comes to doing laundry. Before you wash, work a generous amount of table salt into the stain and then launder as usual


Too much to drink last night and now you have puffy eyes? Apply a thin slice of cold potato to your eyes and leave on for five minutes. Then splash with cool water, put on your makeup (or just some moisturizer -- this means you, too, guys!) and head to work!


Don't you hate it when you have to start a fire and little bits of newspaper are flying everywhere? Next time, air-dry orange peels, which contain flammable oils that burn longer, and use those instead of the paper. The delicious smell is a bonus.


Does it seem like nothing is working for your bad skin? Use 4 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of olive oil to create a paste. Leave it on your face for 2 minutes and rinse with warm water. Then wash your face as normal. Use every day for a week and then cut back to 3 days a week and you should notice an improvement.


It may make you smell like a hot dog, but rubbing a thin layer of mustard over your chest and covering with a hot towel can relieve a stuffy head and chest.

12. MILK

Oh no! You forgot to put the cap on your pen and now there is ink seeping into your shirt. No worries -- just grab some milk and soak the area. Depending on the type of ink, this process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours. Patience is a virtue.


It's one thing when your child draws on the wall with crayons, it's quite another when it comes to your wood furniture. Rub some mayonnaise on the crayon mark and let it soak for ten minutes. Then take a damp cloth and wipeaway the mayo AND the crayon!


Dandruff can be an embarrassing health problem, but the special shampoo often smells yucky. Try massaging 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp and rinsing with warm water. Follow with a leave-in rinse of 1 teaspoon lemonjuice in 1 cup of warm water. Use this daily until your scalp is healed.


You have an ant problem but are worried about the poisonous ant traps around your pets. Just sprinkle flour wherever you see ants entering the house and along the pantry shelves, since they are most likely after your food.

16. EGGS

No time to hit the salon before your big event? Get your hair super shiny and conditioned with eggs! Take two beaten egg yolks and massage into hair. Start at the scalp and work in small sections. Then gather all of the hair in a shower cap, wrap in a warm towel and wait 30 minutes (you could cook the kids' dinner). Rinse with cool water and shampoo as usual.


Your child just learned how to tie their shoes and the knots are impossible to undo. Stay calm and sprinkle a little cornstarch on the laces to help you work out the knot.


There's no more worrying about drinking red wine on white carpet. Soak up as much wine as possible and then pour club soda over the area, making sure to blot and not rub. Repeat the process until the wine is no longer visible. You can also do the same for urine stains.


While most of us associate castor oil with constipation or childbirth, did you know it can also help get rid of pesky moles in your yard? Just mix a 1/2 cup of castor oil with two gallons of water and pour the mixture down the mole(s) hole(s). Don't worry, the solution is animal friendly and they will likely relocate.


A jewelry box can help you organize, but sometimes those thin-chained necklaces just want to get tangled and you can't stop them! Rub some butter into the knot and lay on a flat surface. Then take a sewing needle to untangle. When finished just run under hot water to rinse off the butter.


Next time you drop a wine glass or break a plate, grab a slice of bread to help you clean up. After you pick up the larger pieces, press the bread over the area and it will pick up all the itty bitty pieces you can't see. Bread can also help clean fingerprints off walls and wallpaper. Just rub and voila!


Before you throw your banana peel in the compost pile, remove any stringy pulp and use the peel as a buffer. This works with silverware as well as leather shoes and leather furniture. Just rub the peel over the object and buffwith a soft cloth. Be sure to test a small section of your furniture first!


Sick of waiting for your green tomatoes to ripen on the windowsill? Stick up to five tomatoes in a brown paper bag with a ripe apple and seal for a few days. This will speed up the ripening process.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

WHAT A WEEKEND..... & 10 WEEKS........

well this past weekend was Labor Day weekend and boy wasnt it crazy. Friday night me and Mallory went out to eat my my family and then did a little shopping at walmart and headed out to Taylorsville Lake for the guys fishing tournament. Got all the way out there and i got sick to my stomach. So as soon as we got to talk to Josh and Jesse we headed home. Saturday we layed around till it was time to go out to Chris and Courtneys for a birthday party and a fish fry. Sunday Josh and I had planned to go out to Bernheim Forest and have a picnic, but of course it was in the high 90's so i was like lets just go get something to eat. So we decided on the mexician restarant in town. I got fajitas. One bite and i was sick. so home we went...... I napped, and later on we went to Jeff and Mallorys for a cookout. I ate burgers and some good food, Josh played corn hole, and after everyone left us four were going to watch a movie. Fast and the Furious Toykio Drift...... got about 30 mins into it and i started feeling really bad. I asked Josh if we could leave. Plus it didnt help that i had a very bad headache on top of being sick. cried the whole way home and The moment we got home i got sick. everything i ate that day came out of my body. so i took a shower afterwards, and got in bed. Yesterday i still felt bad, was told i needed to eat lighter so Josh fixed me some Chicken Noodle Soup. i took another nap. and when i woke up............ yup i got sick again. UGHHHHHHHHHH Hopefully a few more weeks of this.

Well tomorrow is mine and Joshs 3 yrs Anniversary & i will be 10 weeks pregnant. How exciting huh....

Thursday is my first dr's appointment. I will be back with more information on how that goes........

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8 Weeks...........

Happy Hump Day Everyone, almost to the weekend.


Today i am around 8 weeks. Im sore, tired, and sick. Nothing like morning sickness to make the day worse. I've tried eating crackers before i get out of bed. Eating more food every few hours. and I still seem to get sick.

But hey look on the bright side, IM 2 MONTHS ALREADY..................... and i just found out 2 weeks ago. CRAZZZZZZY.

Well my first doctors appointment is in 2 weeks Sept 4, a day after our 3 yr Anniversary. im so excited........

Ok the other day i watched a movie called Definitely, Maybe you MUST see it. i loved it, Josh caught the last bit of it but he liked what he saw.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Things to do Before I die...........(My Bucket List)

  1. Read the Bible
  2. Witness to someone
  3. Make a difference in at least one persons life
  4. Watch the 10 greatest American Movies
    1. Citizen Kane
    2. Casablanca
    3. The Godfather
    4. Gone with the Wind
    5. Lawrence of Arabia
    6. Wizard of Oz
    7. The Graduate
    8. On the Waterfront
    9. Schindler’s List
    Signing in the Rain

  5. Plant a tree every year on my Birthday
  6. Spend a weekend at a Silent Retreat
  7. Milk a cow
  8. Go to a PGA or LPGA tournament
  9. Write and Publish a Children’s book
  10. Photograph an Endangered Species
  11. Watch the Space Shuttle Launch
  12. Read all the Shakespeare novels
  13. Learn to play the guitar
  14. Ride in a hot air balloon
  15. Golf a 100/90/80
  16. Make a hole in one
  17. Run a 5k, 10k, & 15k
  18. Sleep under the stars
  19. Create a family tree
  20. Kill a Buck
  21. Catch a fish over 5lbs
  22. Build a Habitat for Humanity House
  23. See and take a picture of Mt McKinley/Denali “The Great One” in Alaska
  24. Sale a Painting of mine
  25. Sale a Photography Picture of mine
  26. Visit all 50 Sate
    1. Alaska
    2. Alabama
    3. Arkansas
    4. Arizona
    5. California
    6. Colorado
    7. Connecticut
    8. Delaware
    9. Florida
    10. Georgia
    11. Hawaii
    12. Idaho
    13. Iowa
    14. Illinois
    15. Indiana
    16. Kansas
    17. Kentucky
    18. Louisiana
    19. Maine
    20. Maryland
    21. Massachusetts
    22. Michigan
    23. Minnesota
    24. Mississippi
    25. Missouri
    26. Montana
    27. Nebraska
    28. Nevada
    29. New Hampshire
    30. New Jersey
    31. New Mexico
    32. New York
    33. North Carolina
    34. North Dakota
    35. Ohio
    36. Oklahoma
    37. Oregon
    38. Pennsylvania
    39. Rhode Island
    40. South Carolina
    41. South Dakota
    42. Tennessee
    43. Texas
    44. Utah
    45. Vermont
    46. Virginia
    47. Washington
    48. Wisconsin
    49. West Virginia
    50. Wyoming

  27. Take dance lessons: Tango, Merengue, Salsa, Waltz, Belly dance, the Polka, the Foxtrot . . .
  28. Go canoeing
  29. Join the church choir
  30. See the Grand Canyon
  31. See Mount Rushmore
  32. See Italy
  33. See Rome
  34. See & Climb up the Statue of Liberty
  35. Go to Disney World
  36. Read all the books on my reading list
  37. Design and Build my own home
  38. Become an Architect
  39. Take a self defense class
  40. Own my own business
  41. Spend the day in a Spa: mud bath, stoned, massage
  42. See the Hailey’s Comet, in 2061
  43. See Hoover Dam
  44. See Niagara Falls
  45. Go to a Large Observatory
  46. See the Horse head Nebula & Crab Nebula through my own telescope
  47. Create a Scrapbook of all the sunsets I have photographed throughout my life
  48. See Fallingwater House in PA, (A Frank Lloyd Wright House)
  49. Have kids (Expecting)
  50. Life a long happy life with Josh


Well today has been a great day. After i ate lunch i ran to the bank and then i went to the gas station to get me something to drink besides water.. So i got me a Ginger Ale. AND i ended up getting me a icecream sandwich AND a Herseys with Almonds Bar. And the icecream hit the spot. and its 2:15 and i just got into the Herseys Bar and oh my goodness, its even better....

I just thought i would share that with you. Hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.:-)

My Baby Ticker

I added the baby ticker to the top of the blog. enjoy...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Up till today.......

Well it has been 5 days since i found out i was pregnant. I had a great time telling all the family. (Me and Court made cute little Im pregnant cards to hand out to everyone)


Only a few friends left to tell and my dad.

Friday i was tired..

Saturday was a very busy day. I got up did a little cleaning and waited for Mal (Auntie) to get to my house so we could start on her bday cake. and it turned out so kool. Josh did some bday shopping and so after we were ready to head out to Courtneys for Mallory and Kris's Bday party.
Once we were out there, Josh, Mal, Chris and Jesse all shot there bows and i decided to take a small nap outside. As everyone started to arrive, Chris and Jesse gave Mal her first bday present. A set of corn hole boards. . Mal got a bow case for her new bow, a camera bag,
the Heidi Newfield cd :-) , and lots of other kool stuff.

Sunday i was tired and relaxed. Then late sunday night i found out that my cousin had been into a car wreck and was being stat flighted to University Hospital. Sometime in the night he had to have surgery to remove some blood clots on his brain and then they put a drain in there to relieve the pressure.

Monday work was good and then me and josh went to go see wes in the hospital. He was asleep so we just got to see him. Uncle Dennis and Aunt Donna were in good spirits (tired though) & Stephanie was doing great. Right before we left he woke up and i got to go see him. He looks great and im just so glad that hes doing ok.

Tuesday ................. Today........................ today is an ok day, this morning i got sick ( YUKKKKK) but i guess thats what happens. Well im off here, maybe i will write later on.


Finding out I am Pregnant...........

Yup, thats right. Last Thursday on August 7, 2008 i went to my family doctor because my right forearm had been hurting me. Well a few weeks ago i had a wierd period, didnt think anything about it but in the back oh my mind i knew that i need to take a pregnancy test and i just never did. So when i got into the doctors office, i asked the nurse if it would be ok if she would let me take a pregnancy test. She said yes, we will have to have one anyways before we can get an
x-ray of your forearm. So as i was sitting there waitng. My doctor came in and the first thing he said was..... " Have you been trying to get pregnant" and i kinda looked at him and was like
"YAH" and he was quite for a moment and then goes, "Well you are" I was like no way and he said yes, I was so freaking excited.

Here is a pick of Josh and I with Madi at Mc Donalds on the day we found out....


So for my arm he said that i probably just have tendionitus and told me to take some Tylenol.